Sunday, July 26, 2015

OU, Oh Yeah

The E.W. Scripps School of Journalism became my home for three and a half days.

The Chronicle newspaper staff had the privilege of attending Ohio University's High School Journalism Workshop from July 15-18. In previous years, our staff attended Indiana University's Journalism Camp, but this year we decided to mix things up a little.

One aspect of the camp that I found interesting was broadcast journalism. The Chronicle is separate from MBC, Mason Broadcasting Crew, so I don't have much experience with video journalism. I liked getting the opportunity to make my own story package.

The key note speaker of the camp was Mary Beth Tinker. Tinker is a free speech activist who is well known for her involvement in the Supreme Court case, Tinker v. Des Moines. During the Vietnam War, Tinker and her some of her schoolmates wore black armbands to protest the fighting. She was suspended, and since then has become a defendant of the First Amendment. I loved getting the opportunity to speak with her one on one.

Barbara Perenic, Columbus Dispatch photographer, gave us some pointers on how to enhance our photography abilities. My greatest takeaways were that shots need to be clean and close, never be afraid to move around and climb on things to get better angles, and probability is your friend.

Overall, my favorite part of the workshop was bonding with The Chronicle staff. I bettered my relationships with those I knew prior and got to know the newbies. I had a fun couple of days and look forward to the impending school year.
Mary Beth Tinker
Chron Selfie
My partners for the story package assignment;
 Jade Colon and Destiny Gooslin
Rufus the Bobcat
Matt knew his First Amendment rights
My mentor, Josh

From the Instagram of the FiveFootPhotog--Barbara Perenic

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Despite racial imbalance, Ohio University is deemed "welcoming"

By Jade Colon, Juliana Discher and Destiny Gooslin

Ohio University is a predominantly white college, but Tiffany Bey, a junior from Cincinnati, feels as if the school is accepting of cultural and racial differences.

“I think Athens, as a whole, is diverse,” Bey said. “There are a lot of people from different backgrounds.”

Despite the presence of diversity, racism and prejudice aren’t completely eradicated on campus, she said.

“I’ve experienced some racial situations,” said Bey, who’s African American. “That’s everywhere though — not just here. There is just that small handful of people that don’t accept us. The institution as a whole has been welcoming.”

But racism isn’t the only “ism” that students here face. Sexism and openness to sexual orientation are two other issues to consider on campus. Sarah Tucker Jenkins, program coordinator for the Women’s Center, creates events to promote acceptance of people of all backgrounds.

“Last year I created a menstruation party to focus on getting rid of some of the stigma surrounding menstruation,” Jenkins said. “I did a series for ‘Love your Body’ day.”

Given OU’s party reputation and high presence of alcohol in the campus community, Jenkins said women’s safety is a concern.

“Drinking doesn’t cause rape, but it exacerbates the complications around the reasons behind why rape happens,” she said. “A lot of people use (drinking alcohol) as an excuse. We have a lot of issues with women not being respected bodily — street harassment.”

Jenkins said Ohio University wants to be a welcoming campus.

“We have a strong basis of diversity education that we can build upon,” she said. “Just because there is a Women’s Center doesn’t mean you need to not worry about sexism. We’re a resource that they need to be utilizing so they can fight that fight.”

See the Full Story:

Monday, July 13, 2015

25 Lessons I've Learned from OASC Summer Workshop

For the past three summers, I've attended OASC Summer Workshop at Wright State University. I discovered OASC, the Ohio Association of Student Councils, through my high school's student government. Without a doubt, I can say that this organization has molded me into the leader and person I am today. Here are some lessons I learned last week when I attended Senior High II from July 5-9. The wisdom I gain from this camp combined with the group of absolutely amazing people who attend are the reasons why I workshop. #whyiworkshop

1. Team work makes the dream work.
2. Take time to self-reflect.
3. A goal will never be achieved without measurable objectives.
4. Don't get caught up in the routine of life.
5. Be open to feedback and suggestions.
6. The best leaders lead by example.
7. Take time to process after an event. Figure out what went well and what needs to be improved upon for next time.
8.  Stay hydrated.
9. Sometimes as a leader, it’s necessary to step back and let someone else take charge.
10. Be more observant.
11. Brevity is a necessity.  Be concise and effective with your words.
12. Sometimes you need to give people a nudge in the right direction.
13. “The most important things are the hardest to say. They are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish them.” –Different Seasons by Stephen King
14. Make sure you're listening, not just hearing.
15. Smile.
16. When delegating a task, be specific.
17. Remove killer phrases from your vocabulary like “We've tried that before” or “We don't have time” and replace them with igniter phrases like “You're on the right track” or “I have faith in you”.
18. Give out genuine compliments like candy.
19. Don’t underestimate the power of nonverbal communication.
20. Never bottle up your feelings.
21. “Communication is a skill that you learn. It’s like riding a bicycle or typing. If you’re willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life.” –Brian Tracy
22. An effective way of communicating your emotions is by saying, “When you ______________ I feel ____________ because _____________.
23. Be someone’s shoulder to cry on.
24. Sometimes the silent ones have the most to say.
25. “Tomorrow is a new day. You will find your own way. You’ll be stronger with each day that you cry. Then you’ll learn to fly.” –‘Learn to Fly’ by Shannon Noll 

Friday, July 3, 2015

PHOTO GALLERY: Bicentennial Pool Party

Juliana Discher I Staff Writer

On July 1, Mason residents gathered at the Lou Eves Municipal Pool for a party celebrating the city's bicentennial.

See the Full Story: